Prochain PerfUG : le 18 juin

ERRATUM : le PerfUG aura bien lieu le jeudi 18 juin comme indiqué sur Meetup et non pas le 16 comme indiqué précédemment. Toutes nos excuses.

When we think of performance Java isn’t usually up there with the list of languages you’d choose. Ultimately on a CPU we’d start with assembler and C/C++, not Java, then there are GPUs and FPGA cards, still no Java.

The main problems with Java are the way it abstracts the hardware and its very generalised memory management. The result is safe code but not very performant. In fact, in some cases, the now infamous garbage collector can be the death of your application.

With a few small changes some of this can be undone. Without compromising the safety, we can achieve huge improvements in performance. John will talk and demonstrate how to take Java down to raw binary, an order of magnitude smaller and faster, even more in a distributed environment. The solution is already in production, implemented primarily with in-memory data grids, analytics and CEP. John will also cover some of the existing use-cases.

John Davies is a co-founder and the CTO of C24, an integration company working mainly in the investment banking world. John is a regular speaker on Java performance, and was the host of the low latency trading track at QCon London this year.

John nous fera l’honneur de présenter en français !

Inscriptions : PerfUG Meetup

Publié le: 10 June 2015